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4 Ways of Selling More Tours Online

4 Ways Of Selling More Tours Online

Selling more tours online is one of the most preferred sales points of any tour operator in business not only in Uganda but across the entire world. The Internet is believed to hold over 90% of the market sources. A lot of travelers use the internet to search for their holidays. In this article we share with you key strategies on how you can start selling more tours online, it is time to improve your bookings and build a strong company brand base.

1. Develop & grow a strong social media presence.

One of the proven strategies on how one can start selling more tours online is to increase your social media presence on various popular social media platforms. They include Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter among others. Post content fit to your audience consumption such as gorilla safari tours, recommended safari lodges in your destination, unique experiences, popular attractions, etc. these will attract and keep your target market informed about your products and in the end, you will take more bookings.

2. Start & run an email marketing campaign.

With the help of a good database, use this opportunity to send good and real-time content to your customer base, and keep sharing procedural information, statistics or offers through emails. This can be by regular newsletter with ideal discounts on current group tours or family holidays and any special campaigns. They will be attracted through keeping them informed. This can help you start selling more tours online.

3. A Mobile friendly tour/safari website is a must-have.

It is believed that the world has shifted from desktop use to handsets such as mobile phones, notepads, and iPad name. It is very significant to run a mobile–friendly test with Google about your website. Do not miss out on bookings especially when your site is not mobile-friendly.

4. Host Influencers from the source markets.

It is the world over known that influencers have a huge following behind them. They will post their experiences with you, their followers have total confidence in them at all costs, and they wish to follow them in their footsteps. They will post everything online and you will be mentioned and this will attract more of their fun base.

It is very possible to start selling more tours online by making an effort and speaking to our tourism consultants that will guide you on other key strategies especially on increasing your conversion rate through our tourism training session, upskilling you on communication skilling, how to respond to inquiries and tourism product knowledge.

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