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Contact form for a safari website

A great safari website must be functional enough with a perfect working contact form. Great website designs do not stop at a well-laid home page but also have a great contact form for business leads and sales made.

It is a big challenge for many safari website designers to come up with a great, user-friendly contact us form with the best features to enable the user or the customer to easily make a booking contact. As one of the best tourism consultants, we share with you as a website developer the best practices you should keep at the back of your mind well-set contact form will enhance user experience and cultivate a strong relationship with your leads

Always be guided by these principles and practices

1. Make the contact form easy to find

It is well known that tourists and visitors to our website have less time to navigate through our safari website, they actually have limited time and they need to get in contact with you very quickly so you must make the contact form for your safari website easy to find and visible enough.

2. Add an email and phone number on a contact form or page

It would be appealing to visitors to find the quick and right information. Check the email address spelling and your telephone number. Make these a proper font format and font size preferably H3 as per the website settings.

3. Give reasons why someone should contact you

As a salesperson, your product must be explained in the way it solves your visitor’s problems

4. Include a call-to-action

Call to action is very important on each and every page of your safari website to provide visitors with another option if they choose not to complete the form.

5. Redirect to a thank you page

Thank you is a kind word used in appreciation. It is important to create this redirect that confirms the message has been sent and you thank them for getting the time to contact you by filling up the details of the [contact form

6. Add a Google Map showing the location of your business

It is recommended that you complement a Google map for your office location on the contact us page. Pin the right location so that visitors can find their way to your premises easily

7. Avoid unnecessary fields

Keep this short with fewer fields to fill in. Keep relevance and be as straightforward and simple as possible

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Bwindi Forest National Park, famous for gorilla trekking safaris, is a UNESCO World Heritage site occupying 331 sqm. It is famous for its rare species which include mountain gorillas. The park lies within the Kigezi Highlands which were formed through up-warping of the western rift valley (“Albertine Rift” see below).

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