Learn Basic Search Engine Optimization

Learn basic search engine optimization and grip on Google. In this episode, we explain the best basic optimization tips for your web page. Learn how to optimize your tour website pages. It is so easy and simple through taking these steps.
1. Think of a relevant topic to write about with high search frequency
Search engine optimizations start at this stage. You must do simple research on what you are going to write about and this must be in interesting to the online audience that you are targeting. Get good topics with relevant searches using a free tool called Keyword explorer this shows you how popular is a specific search term you want to write about. It is better to write on something that has more searches than that with less search frequency.
2. Make the search term appear in the URL extension
It is so simple to learn basic search engine optimization tips that can help you optimize your web page without experts. Add the search term in the URL extension i.e. if you intend to create a page on Mountain Gorillas then your URL extension must be www.domainname.com/mountain-gorillas
3. Make the search term your Focus Keyword/Keyphrase
While optimizing your tour web page for WordPress users, there is a section for a focus keyword, make sure your topic/search terms become your focus keyword. Note: whatever, you intend to write about must be around the focus keyword and how it can be applied in your body text or information.
4. Start with the focus keyword/Key phrase
Our experts are ready to make sure that you learn basic search engine optimization practices and be able to improve your online ranking independently. In this case, our focus keyword is Mountain Gorillas this should start your first paragraph or be within the first five words.
5. Focus on Keyword density
This means the number of times your focus keyword is appearing in your body text. Mountain Gorillas as our focus keyword must at least appear 5 times depending on how big is your web page. Avoid too many of them (keyword staffing) that will affect you in the long run
6. Title Tag & Meta Tag Description
Make sure the focus appears in your title tag and your Meta description. For WordPress users, all these sections are available just below the space where you feed your content. In this case or title tag should be Mountain Gorillas or Mountain Gorillas in Uganda the latter contains a focus keyword.
An example of your Meta description is “Mountain gorillas in Uganda are found in Bwindi Forest National Park and Mgahinga National Park. Mountain Gorillas are shy primates ……..”
There is, of course, more to this but for beginners that wish to learn basic search engine optimization and start working on your tour web pages, this can be a good start, and over time you will grow your tour website’s online presence and get found online.
At E&J Tourism Consultants we train tourism staff and nontourism professionals to learn optimization tips. Be part of the world that ventures in learning new stuff and our experts are ready to take you through these simple steps.