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Simple Ways to Grow Your Email Database

Simple ways to grow your email Database List is what we are looking at in our learning episode today. We share practical tips on how to grow your email list in the tourism business for your seamless marketing activities to grow your tourism business.

Note: You are required to keep a fresh database with active email addresses to enable your message to reach the right people at a time.

Here are some of the key simple ways to help you grow your email list to ensure that you have a large audience of subscribers to promote your tourism business products and experiences.

  1. Email Sign up on your website- -(Newsletter Sign Up) Subscribe Today.
  2.  Use Social Media.
  3.  Attend Travel Shows frequently/ Road Shows/ Spotlight Shows & B2 B meetings
  4.  Use Online available databases – (Travel Trade Associations).
  5. New emails/Booking/request.

As you grow your email list while marketing your tourism products and experience make sure that you share fresh and unique tourism content to your target audience. Keep relevance and be meaningful to your market.

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