Tourism & Time Management

It is important to understand Tourism & Time Management for effective performance to prevail in your tourism business. Regardless of the nature and type of business you are running, time management remains a priority.
For any successful tourism business operations, time must be dealt with carefully. Here are the best 6 Time Management Principles to help enable you to understand tourism and time management for a clear focus on performance and results.
Develop a personal sense of time
Always avoid things that intend to distract you from your set goals during the day, you have to start dealing with it, or them. For example, if you should have delegated, but you don’t like doing this, or you avoid delegating this is causing you more work, and ultimately more time. You have to face this by doing whatever it may be that you are avoiding, and using a diary. You may find that you spend more time on low-priority issues. Start prioritizing your issues.
Identify long-term goals
With this Tourism & Time Management concept, you need to be clear about what the long-term goals of your department/section or company are in order for you to be able to plan time to achieve results. Once you know and are certain of what you should be doing to allow for the long-term goal to be achieved then you must block off time for major commitments, coming up in the future. This will avoid double booking or over-commitment at critical periods.
Make middle-term plans.
In order to achieve the long-term goal it is important that middle-term plans are set, and you have a clear understanding of what your objectives are. You should record these objectives in order to measure them. The objectives set should be SMARTER
- Specific: Describe exactly and clearly what is to be achieved
- Measurable: Clearly specify the criterion so that the objective can be measured
- Agreed/Accurate: By Manager and accurate
- Realistic/Relevant: It has to be achievable and relevant to the long-term goal
- Time-bound: Must specify a timeframe in order to measure success
- Evaluated:: Assess the performance against the objective
- Reviewed: Often, to ensure that the performance is on track.
Plan the day
Tourism & Time Management runs on how you plan before the day starts. This will allow you to List and prioritize tasks for the day. Schedule tasks Plan work. More often than not you will find that you have more tasks in a day than you have time for, therefore you must be able to prioritize.
Make the best use of your best time
In all our staff training, we concentrate on assisting staff to understand what best time is the time of day when they feel most like tackling difficult tasks, or ones requiring analysis or creativity.
Always ask yourself, at what period of the day do I concentrate best? (Reserve this time for demanding tasks)
When do I usually feel less alert? Do low-priority tasks at this time)
When is my short-term memory at its best? (Schedule tasks demanding frequent recall)
Manage Meetings & Delegate effectively
With Tourism & Time Management, Make sure that you list your objectives prior to the meeting
If relevant – ensure all parties have a copy of an agenda, set an agreement to the length of time for the meeting ensure all parties are clear about what the meeting should achieve. After the meeting summarize all points and decisions, to clarify the content of the whole Meeting.
With Delegation, this should enable you to save large chunks of time. The time you can use productively. Always try to delegate results, unless the person delegated is not yet competent to work out what to do for him/herself.
Giving a team member total responsibility for achieving a result makes the experience genuinely developmental for them.
For you to champion the Tourism Business, time must be well managed, the main things to remember include using your diary effectively, making sure tasks are time bound, knowing your duties and responsibilities, remaining assertive, and make summarizing your achievements for the day – daily.
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